Monday, August 24, 2020
Art of the United States Free Essays
Craft of the United States Out of the considerable number of masterpieces with in the Art of the United States display in the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park, Shipwreck by Thomas Doughty truly established a connection with me. It is a 25 x 30 ? in. oil on canvas. We will compose a custom article test on Craft of the United States or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now The explanation this work of art got my attention is on the grounds that it has two particularly strange characteristics. To begin with, Doughty once in a while painted seascapes, and his works of art typically centered around the melodious parts of nature instead of the compromising ones. Wreck was made in the specialists studio from components obtained from various areas. The canvas is even with trees blowing in unforgiving breezes on either side. The influencing trees appear to scarcely be clutching the stones on which they stand. Unpropitious mists sneak out there that increase dread that the slamming waves bring to the watcher. Just past the disappearing purpose of the sea, a level line of ruddy yellow separates the dim shade of the sea and the mists. The delicate mixed lines appear to praise the wild of the United States during the eighteen hundreds. The bended lines fortify the development of the sea and the mists. The shading plan is by all accounts bound together and the general bluntness and obscurity of the work of art escalate the brutal and even showy delineation of a tempest. There is a little figure that stands both at the focal point of the tempest and at the focal point of the canvas. I think the craftsman painting this work of art since needs watchers to have the option to relate to the smaller than normal focal solitary figure. He remains solitary and defenseless; watching the boat break against the stone simply seaward. It shows up he is watching the figure quickly to his privilege battling in the wild surf. During the 1800’s wrecks were exceptionally normal and numerous individuals could without much of a stretch have related to the little figure remaining amidst the seething tempest. The canvas inspires both stunningness and dread in me. The rash of the compelling force of nature is by all accounts relentless. The most effective method to refer to Art of the United States, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Genetically Modified Crops are harmful to the enviorment Essay
Hereditarily Modified Crops are unsafe to the enviorment - Essay Example As a general rule, GMO crops are an intrusive species and destructive to the common habitat. Various enemy of GMO innovation activists have come up to denounce the utilization of GMO inside the biological condition. The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT Para. 1-10) has given a one-sided investigation to the utilization of GMO crop in the regular habitat disheartening the general population in the rural segment to keep up a firm ground against the utilization of such harvests. One reason why the IRT demoralizes the multiplication of this innovation is the way that the development of hereditarily built harvests has negative perpetual effects on the earth. For example, when cross fertilization happens, this types of yield will be spread into the earth and will exist there until the end of time. Resultantly, this species will be spread inside the earth, decreasing the quantity of regular yields existing in the normal biological system. The way that GMO crops are prevalent as far as creation and the quick development rate, it isn't all together for this science to dispense with the characteristic species inside nature. In this light, GMO harvests will hurt the earth by diminishing the quantity of regular plants in presence. The IRT (Para. 3) gives measurable proof to help its contention against the development of GMO crops. Overviews led in the agribusiness business somewhere in the range of 1996 and 2009 show that ranchers who develop GMO nourishments have an expanded use of herbicides consistently. The explanation basic this reality is that when weed safe harvests are created, weeds experience a hereditary change shaping new inexistent weed species. These â€Å"super weeds†are impervious to standard herbicides and request increasingly focused types of synthetic concoctions. In the US, GMO crop producers encountered an expansion in the expense of synthetic substances by about $300 million inside a time of 12 years. This suggests the normal soils are concentrated with more synthetics expanding its poisonousness levels. This is in opposition to the advocates of this innovation who contend that the utilization of hereditarily changed yields lessens the utilization of herbicides. The quality of IRT on the negative natural effects of these harvests to the earth can be ascribed to the factual proof that goes with it. A third contention against the utilization of the selection of the hereditary change innovation in the horticultural area is that this innovation is an enemy of bio-assorted variety. As indicated by IRT (Para. 4), the multiplication of the GMO innovation will hurt the whole bio species and may prompt elimination of even the most imperiled species. The hereditary change innovation utilizes deadly synthetics that have long haul remarkable effects on the earth. As these synthetic substances stream to the water bodies during stormy seasons, they will make an incredible hazard the fish, creatures of land and water and all wa ter animals in the water sources. Similarly, all living species that devour GMO yields or water species will be at high danger of contamination with untreatable ailments. For example, synthetic compounds, for example, roundup that are utilized to create weed safe harvests are carcinogenic and represent the danger of death to people. Generally, appropriation of GMO innovation will place the whole environmental framework in peril including the maker of this innovation. Carrington (Para. 1) is among the researchers who have assessed the opposite side of the coin as respects the effect of GMO crops
Sunday, July 19, 2020
From Collecting to Connecting A New Paradigm for Education - Focus
From Collecting to Connecting A New Paradigm for Education - Focus This is a guest post by Professor Toni Krasnic, author of How to Study with Mind Maps. Toni is an author, mind mapper, teacher, and student success coach. In this article, he discusses Seth Godins essay collection Stop Stealing Dreams and how mind maps can help students go from simply collecting dots to connecting dots. Stop Stealing Dreams (What Is School For?) In March 2012, Seth Godin published Stop Stealing Dreams, a provocative collection of 132 essays on improving the current education system. It struck a chord with millions of people who read the manifesto, including me. One concept that struck me in particular was the importance of “connecting.†Seth used it 57 times in the manifesto and had it in 3 headings. Section 64, reprinted below, hit home in particular and is the inspiration for this post. 64. Connecting the dots vs. collecting the dots The industrial model of school is organized around exposing students to ever increasing amounts of stuff and then testing them on it. Collecting dots. Almost none of it is spent in teaching them the skills necessary to connect dots. The magic of connecting dots is that once you learn the techniques, the dots can change but you’ll still be good at connecting them. It’s also helpful to refer back to Section 22, where Seth talks about the connection revolution and emphasizes that we live in an “era that marks the end of the industrial age and the beginning of something new is ultimately about connection.†In short, Seth is arguing that our system of schooling will be forever changed by the newly emerged connection economy. Self-Responsibility and Education Learning is not done to you. Learning is something you choose to do. â€"Seth Godin We’ve been at school redesign and reform for many years now, and spent millions of dollars on experimenting with different solutions. Surely, many more years and dollars will be spent. However, from a learner’s perspective, the ultimate responsibility for learning still falls within students. Teachers alone cannot “produce†learning and success in students. Students need to accept that, ultimately, they are responsible for their own learning and success, and that they must take steps to learn how to learn and develop the skills they need to thrive in today’s complex world. The most important piece is that the learners become self-learners, capable of connecting the bits and connecting with people to make learning personally meaningful. Connecting Dots with Mind Maps The magic of connecting dots is that once you learn the techniques, the dots can change but you’ll still be good at connecting them. â€" Seth Godin Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps us visualize connections between concepts (dots). A mind map is created by extending concepts and associations from a central theme in all directions. It’s like a tree, with branches extending all around. Existing associations trigger new associations and help integrate new concepts within a map, similar to what we do with concepts in our minds. Once we trigger our brain to look for associations, there’s no going back. Our brain will be forever conditioned to connect different ideas into a whole and extend the whole into yet unknown domains. Mind mapping is a tool to make this thinking visible. This ability to converge and diverge our thinking, via connections between dots, to create meaning and create new ideas, respectively, is what makes mind maps such a powerful thinking tool. Connecting People with Mind Maps Our chaotic world is open to the work of passionate individuals, intent on carving their own paths. â€" Seth Godin To connect dots, we must first discover the dots. We come across new concepts via formal connections (e.g., school) and numerous informal connections (real-world contacts and the Internet). The network of these connections, both formal and informal, is collectively called a Personal Learning Network (PLN). PLNs are created by individual learners to meet learners’ specific needs and extend learning connections to other learners around the globe who share similar interests. Mind maps are a useful tool in mapping connections of people. As with concepts, you can easily create mind maps for various PLNs that are important to you. Join the Conversation: Wiki Mind Map of Stop Stealing Dreams If you havent read Stop Stealing Dreams yet, I highly recommend you read it. It’s a great discussion starter on education. And it’s free. If youve read the book, you can join many online discussion groups, including the Wiki Mind Map group on MindMeister. Stop Stealing Dreams Wiki Mind Map, Essays 1-70 Stop Stealing Dreams Wiki Mind Map, Essays 71-132 The map skeleton of essay headings is already there, with direct links to the sections of the book. I’ve also added all the references to “connecting,†and a few other ideas that impacted me. There’s much left to add and connect, however. I hope you’ll consider contributing your reflections directly to the maps or comment below. From Collecting to Connecting A New Paradigm for Education - Focus This is a guest post by Professor Toni Krasnic, author of How to Study with Mind Maps. Toni is an author, mind mapper, teacher, and student success coach. In this article, he discusses Seth Godins essay collection Stop Stealing Dreams and how mind maps can help students go from simply collecting dots to connecting dots. Stop Stealing Dreams (What Is School For?) In March 2012, Seth Godin published Stop Stealing Dreams, a provocative collection of 132 essays on improving the current education system. It struck a chord with millions of people who read the manifesto, including me. One concept that struck me in particular was the importance of “connecting.†Seth used it 57 times in the manifesto and had it in 3 headings. Section 64, reprinted below, hit home in particular and is the inspiration for this post. 64. Connecting the dots vs. collecting the dots The industrial model of school is organized around exposing students to ever increasing amounts of stuff and then testing them on it. Collecting dots. Almost none of it is spent in teaching them the skills necessary to connect dots. The magic of connecting dots is that once you learn the techniques, the dots can change but you’ll still be good at connecting them. It’s also helpful to refer back to Section 22, where Seth talks about the connection revolution and emphasizes that we live in an “era that marks the end of the industrial age and the beginning of something new is ultimately about connection.†In short, Seth is arguing that our system of schooling will be forever changed by the newly emerged connection economy. Self-Responsibility and Education Learning is not done to you. Learning is something you choose to do. â€"Seth Godin We’ve been at school redesign and reform for many years now, and spent millions of dollars on experimenting with different solutions. Surely, many more years and dollars will be spent. However, from a learner’s perspective, the ultimate responsibility for learning still falls within students. Teachers alone cannot “produce†learning and success in students. Students need to accept that, ultimately, they are responsible for their own learning and success, and that they must take steps to learn how to learn and develop the skills they need to thrive in today’s complex world. The most important piece is that the learners become self-learners, capable of connecting the bits and connecting with people to make learning personally meaningful. Connecting Dots with Mind Maps The magic of connecting dots is that once you learn the techniques, the dots can change but you’ll still be good at connecting them. â€" Seth Godin Mind mapping is a visual tool that helps us visualize connections between concepts (dots). A mind map is created by extending concepts and associations from a central theme in all directions. It’s like a tree, with branches extending all around. Existing associations trigger new associations and help integrate new concepts within a map, similar to what we do with concepts in our minds. Once we trigger our brain to look for associations, there’s no going back. Our brain will be forever conditioned to connect different ideas into a whole and extend the whole into yet unknown domains. Mind mapping is a tool to make this thinking visible. This ability to converge and diverge our thinking, via connections between dots, to create meaning and create new ideas, respectively, is what makes mind maps such a powerful thinking tool. Connecting People with Mind Maps Our chaotic world is open to the work of passionate individuals, intent on carving their own paths. â€" Seth Godin To connect dots, we must first discover the dots. We come across new concepts via formal connections (e.g., school) and numerous informal connections (real-world contacts and the Internet). The network of these connections, both formal and informal, is collectively called a Personal Learning Network (PLN). PLNs are created by individual learners to meet learners’ specific needs and extend learning connections to other learners around the globe who share similar interests. Mind maps are a useful tool in mapping connections of people. As with concepts, you can easily create mind maps for various PLNs that are important to you. Join the Conversation: Wiki Mind Map of Stop Stealing Dreams If you havent read Stop Stealing Dreams yet, I highly recommend you read it. It’s a great discussion starter on education. And it’s free. If youve read the book, you can join many online discussion groups, including the Wiki Mind Map group on MindMeister. Stop Stealing Dreams Wiki Mind Map, Essays 1-70 Stop Stealing Dreams Wiki Mind Map, Essays 71-132 The map skeleton of essay headings is already there, with direct links to the sections of the book. I’ve also added all the references to “connecting,†and a few other ideas that impacted me. There’s much left to add and connect, however. I hope you’ll consider contributing your reflections directly to the maps or comment below.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Research Topic Teens And Social Networking Sites
NAME: RANGANATH TAYALLA SCHOOL: UNIVERSITY OF MARY HARDIN BAYLOR COURSE: ESOL 1325 05 RESEARCH TOPIC: TEENS AND SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES EMAIL: ABSTRACT Utilizing social networking Web destinations is among the most well-known movement of today s youngsters and youths. Any Web webpage that permits social communication is viewed as an online networking website, including interpersonal interaction destinations, for example, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter; gaming locales and virtual planets, for example, Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; feature locales, for example, YouTube; and websites. Such destinations offer today s childhood an entrance for stimulation and correspondence and have become exponentially as of late. Hence, it is critical that folks get to be mindful of the way of social networking locales, given that not every one of them are sound situations for kids and teenagers. INTRODUCTION Participating in different manifestations of social networking is a routine movement that examination has demonstrated to profit youngsters and teenagers by upgrading correspondence, social association, and even specialized skills. (Ito M, Horst H, Bittani M, 2008),Social media destinations, for example, Facebook and Myspace offer various day by day open doors for uniting with companions, schoolmates, and individuals with imparted hobbies. Amid the most recent 5 years, the quantity of preadolescences and teenagers utilizing suchShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Social Networking On Youth And Middle Age Adults930 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many effects on social networking. In my research paper, I will explain some of those effects, as well as providing examples. A few social media’s I will be going over will be Instagram, Facebook Twitter. What is social networking? It’s an easier and quick way of communication for the youth middle age adults. From my under standing, social media was built to help people connect outside their normal lives, stay connected with those they’ve met thru work, meetings etc. Also, to find peopleRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Youth and Adults1646 Words  | 7 Pages Overview of topic and issues discussed Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter allow individuals to connect with anyone from coworkers to former classmates. The accessibility of these connections allow for individuals to feel easily connected to a larger community, but they have downsides. From false senses of connection, to data pervasiveness ,social networking is something that effects all groups within our culture to the point where we will have to decide if it is benefical orRead MoreEssay on Social Networking: The Good Choice for Society536 Words  | 3 PagesSocial Networking is the use of websites such as Facebook, MySpace,Twitter,LinkedIn, and to communicate with other users (Hampton). On social media like these,users are able to develop biographical profiles as well as communicating,researching, and also sharing photos, links, videos,music, and more. Advocates of social networking sites conclude that online communities promote increased interaction with friends and family and also offer teachers, librarians, and students beneficialRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Society1317 Words  | 6 PagesThe Effects of Social Networking Intro Over half of the world uses the internet. 2.2 billion people actively use any kind of social networking. There were 176 million new users of social media just last year (Regan 1). With the influence of so many people a pressing question: Is the impact of social media harmful or beneficial in its effects? Social networking is one of the biggest reports of online traffic. So, if so many people are using these networking sites, what are the effects on us? The â€Å"first†Read MoreThe Issue Of Teen Suicide1135 Words  | 5 PagesHospital South and was asked to take a survey about teen suicide. At the time, I served as a volunteer in the emergency room, and as a member of the hospital, it was required to take these types of surveys about once every month. These surveys usually are composed of the main crippling diseases of America: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, etc. However, this survey concerned the topic of teen suicide. I wasn’t shocked by this topic matter. I knew that teen suicide has been rapidly increasing over the pastRead MoreSocial Media s Impact On The Lives Of Teenagers And Young Adults1079 Words  | 5 Pagessurrounded by technology. Web 2.0 and its â€Å"social network sites or (SNS)†(2011) have a big impact on the lives of teenagers and young adults. Web 2.0 is known as network sites or web sites that operate on user-generated content. According to June Ahn, â€Å"Teenage youth are a u nique population of SNS users. They are among the first to have grown up entirely surrounded by communication technology†(2011). As a dominant surface for communication, social media provides many benefits for its users.Read MoreEffects Of Social Media Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesHow does social networking affect teens? Social Networking is â€Å" the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other or to find people with similar interests†. Social networking consists of various social media websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These social media applications have become increasingly popular amongst teens. The web’s social network has grown to be one of the largest and most influential outlet on the internet. Social media have both a positiveRead MoreSocial Networking Sites and Privacy1155 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction What do about ninety percent of us have in common? It’s the social networking sites that everyone is a part of these days, whether it’s your twelve year old nephew or your grandmother. Spending hours and hours connecting with your old friends and making new friends over the social networking sites has become a part of everyone’s daily routine. Nonetheless, recently privacy concerns over the social networking sites have taken its peak. Background It all started several decades back, whenRead MoreSocial Media And The Negative Effects On Teens1292 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Media and the Negative Effects on Teens A study conducted by the Pew Research Center in which they discuss teens and their acts on social media, they state that, â€Å"†¦95% of all teens ages 12-17 are now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites†(Pew Research Center). With there being over seven billion people in the world, just think about how many teenagers there are. Information from these teens is being transferred all over the world through multiple forms of socialRead MoreHow Social Networking Changed Communication?1504 Words  | 7 Pages Social Networking I How has social networking changed communication? The topic I selected to research is social networking and how it has changed communication in all aspects of life. I chose this topic because I am interested in learning more information about social media and how it has affected people’s communication skills. I am curious to discover how each source of social media affects communication. Everyday people use their cellular devices to either text, call, or video
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Kafala System in...
Summary Since the introduction of Kafala system, also known as sponsorship system, in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) along with Lebanon and Jordan in Mashriq region, some serious human rights violations have aroused. Kafala system is a sponsorship system designed to regulate and employ migrant workers in countries compromising of GCC states (Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Kuwait, and Sultanate of Oman), Jordan, and Lebanon. Under the sponsorship system, a contract is signed between worker and recruitment agency for a minimum of 2 years, in which sponsor assumes full legal and economic responsibility of the migrant, including visa status, residence, living conditions, wages, and health†¦show more content†¦However, as Qatar started its colossal preparation and constructions for FIFA World Cup 2022, massive human rights violations were recorder by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, sparkling heavy criticism and condemnation throughout the world. In this document I will identify human rights violations in GCC countries and Lebanon under the Kafala system and try to explore how thousands of employers abuse millions of migrant workers. I will also document the problems of â€Å"exit visa†in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, scarce living conditions and health problems of migrant workers, violence against migrant domestic workers in Lebanon, violation of freedom in Saudi Arabia, and violation of basic labor rights in Qatar during the preparation of FIFA World Cup 2022. I will conclude the report by identifying the violations under Intentional Law and giving recommendations to countries which use Kafala system. Background Historically, the Kafala system was never intended to be the main source of exploitation and abuse of migrants. Khan and Harroff-Tavel claim in their article that, â€Å"The sponsorship system is a time-honored tradition of the Bedouin principle of hospitality, which sets obligations in the treatment and protection of foreign guests†(Khan Harrof-Tavel, 2011, p. 294). However, over some period of time, its purpose and practice has dramatically changed. The necessity of Kafala system was increased after the discovery ofShow MoreRelatedUnderstandings and Approaches to Human Trafficking in the Middle East 1496 Words  | 6 Pagesbe the primary destination for trafficking victims, as they calculated that there are around 600,000 forced labour victims within the region to date (13). This seemingly widespread issue of human trafficking within the Middle East has been subject to significant media coverage and global debate. There are three major elements at the centre of this deb ate: issues around the interpretations of the widely accepted UN’s Palermo Protocol’s definition of human trafficking, concerns in regards to the depictions
The summer holiday Free Essays
After each term in school pupils have holidays. It Is cool to have holidays. You can do whatever you like and you don’t have to get up early. We will write a custom essay sample on The summer holiday or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of all I like summer holidays because they are the longest ones. Last summer was very interesting for me. I don’t go to the seaside or somewhere abroad but I spent a good time with my family and my friends. In June I with my friends watched Euro 201 2 and we didn’t miss any match. It was a great event for Ukraine. And I think at that moment everybody believed In the victory. In July I went to my grandmother who lives In the village. I had a very good time there, because I had an active rest. I got up early In the morning and worked In the vegetable garden. I helped my granny to water the vegetables and to take care of the plants. The days In the country passed very quickly. I had a lot of things to do every day. Sometimes I went to the forest. It Is not far from the village. There I picked up berries and mushrooms. In the evening I watched TV and read books. August was not very special but it stuck in my memory because of the trip to the mountains with my father. It was very interesting and exciting. We made our trip on the Independence day. We started early in the morning, took some food and equipments. And in the afternoon we were on the tip of Hoverer. We made friends with a lot of people and made many photos. It was wonderful day. We had a very good time. Now my holidays are over and I am looking forward to the next ones. I suppose they will be much better. How to cite The summer holiday, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis Essay Example
Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis Paper Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis Introduction In this world, the likelihood of being involved or exposed to a negotiation Is more common than one may think. In considering yourself, another individual, party, or group that Is Involved In a negotiation, a strategy should be followed. Although most people view negotiation as a fixed sequence (Clauses, 2007). Having a planning process allows for the negotiator(s) to review all issues and determine a bargaining mix based on the relevant facts (Lexical, Saunders, Barry, 2006). The proceeding ill depict negotiation processes used in real life scenarios where either distributive or integrative negotiation strategies were engaged in resolving a negotiation. Style and Strategies within Debt Negotiations As American people continue to deal with the nations economic downturn, many people are faced with the notion of debt negotiation. Lets face it; nearly someone has some sort of financial debt. People would rather file for bankruptcy than negotiate the possibility of a rate reduction (Brinier, 2007). This Is mainly due to peoples elegance of having anything to do with bill collectors or collection agencies. Considering an average savings cost of $0. 50 on the dollar or less (Brinier), creditors are still willing to negotiate debt settlement with debtors. When looking at the type of strategies that are imposed by either debtors or creditors to reach a negotiation, there needs to be collaboration between both sides. This allows for the two parties to reach a degree of assertiveness and cooperativeness that enables mutual goals to be met (Lexical et al. 2006). While no one intends on not paying back what they borrow, here can be many reasons for failing to meet a credit agreement. Despite the consequences of someone neglecting their financial responsibilities, creditors would rather settle with debtors for something and severing the relationship (Saran, 2008). Creditors are willing to accept a loss than to drag a futile situation on that would only Incur them paying collection agenc ies to track bad debtors down (Saran). We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Debt Negotiation Process Nearly everyone has some sort of debt; so, engaging In some sort of debt negotiation is far better than not paying or declaring bankruptcy (Saran, 2008). Sing a planning process that first defines what type of outcome is desired by a given party is the initial move that must be determined. The initial thought of most individuals is to just stop paying. But as a means of getting out of debt, debtors can compromise with such creditors in a manner where only their credit rating Is placed at stake (Saran). What normally happens is rather than prolonging matters, both creditors and debtors can encompass their different conflict management styles to reach a negotiated agreement (Lexical et al. , 2006). Whether a debtor chooses to utilize the arrives of a debt settlement company or enter negotiation by engaging the creditor himself, the outcome, however, can find positive solutions (Saran). A successful debt negotiation will not only save the debtor money through a possible PAR reduction, but also the hassles of having to look or Walt for future offers to transfer balances (Saran). Styles and Strategies within union Negotiations Although organizations Ana nylons ay not always Ana up agreeing Walt alter sloes proposals, entering into negotiations is an effort for both sides to avoid collective arraigning as a means for reaching a compromise. Of course, if there is no compromise than either side can choose to walk away. Depending on each sides conflict management style (competing, accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, or compromising) will determine whether a distributive or integrative strategy will be employed (Lexical et al. 2006). The airline industry in comparison to other private industries differs in the way negotiations and dispute resolutions are addressed. For the most part, other industries usually agree to begin with direct negotiations which an progress towards mediation if no mutual agreement are reached (Jack, 2003). Although the negotiations may be conducted while union members chant no contract no work or settle or strike, these negotiations te nd to be expeditious and usually result in a prompt settlement (Jack, p. ). On the other hand, the duration of airline industry labor negotiations have a tendency to drag out. The average negotiation period, including mediation, for a standard airline contract is over a year, and to negotiate an initial contract is 31. 5 months (Jack, p. 8). The Union Negotiation Process The crucial aspect in dealing with any type of negotiations is the alacrity between parties to come to a compromise. The initial strategy employed by either party would be to win, thus utilizing a distributive approach. But as society has seen in the past, airline industry disputes have had a tendency to prolong themselves. Despite the duration of such cases, the outcomes usually progress towards mediation and or arbitration in the event that either party cannot reach a mutual agreement. The airline industry negotiation process has a tendency to draw out for long durations. Thus, having other options at addressing labor disputes amongst the airline industry could prove advantageous in inhibiting the tortuous, lengthy, statutory dispute resolution process lacking in any mechanism to assure finality (Jack, 2003, p. ). Debt Negotiations vs.. Union Negotiations Looking at both styles and strategies employed within debt and union negotiations, the outcomes have had similarities in the aspect of reaching compromises. Whether the initial approach is to come out ahead of the opposing party or work towards a mutual agreement, it is not rare to see both parties walk away indecisive. Regardless of the outcome, both usually incur a lengthy resolution process. Since time is of the essence when dealing with contract renewals, defining a bargaining mix that addresses the most important issues and determines whether the issues are linked together or separate can be used to prioritize issues on an agenda (Lexical et al. , 2006). Such strategies as those mentioned above can exist within any work environment. For example, Lucifer Gas Cylinders, a manufacturing company, there was the potential of having labor union negotiations. These would normally begin to reface as a contract approached its maturity. For the most part the renegotiations would have an integrative strategy approach in which labor-management negotiations would come to a mutual agreement within a months time. Conclusion The art of negotiating has been around for a long time. When dealing with individuals, parties, or groups, one must choose a style and strategy to the approach of a desired outcome. In some cases, a party can be aggressive at defining its Interests y taking a strategic approach Tanat Involves a win-lose strategy or a more elaborative approach that involves both parties coming to a mutual agreement or a win-win situation.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 3
Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 3 Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 3 Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 3Essay on Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care part 2In this regard, I believe the protection of rights of employees is very important, especially in the health and social care environment. In the course of my work, I did my best to maximize my effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of employees working in my work place. First of all, I monitored policies and practices conducted in my organisation to understand what the organisation expects from its employees. After that, I revised existing legislation concerning employment relations focusing on the health and social care environment in particular. The next step in my professional development and protection of employee rights was the communication with my colleagues. I attempted to find out whether they have any problems and whether they are aware of their rights or not. I found out that employees are aware of the ir rights and I shared what I learned about employee rights with them. In such a way, I informed them of recent changes in legal norms concerning employment relations. In addition, I launched the weblog, where I attempted to collect and publish information related to the employment legislation. In such a way, I believe my effectiveness in the protection of the employment rights was high. At any rate, I did my best to raise the awareness of my colleagues of the importance of employment relations.At the same time, I found out several ways to resolve issues that arise in the course of employment relations in the health and social care environment. First of all, the resolution of issues that may arise in the employment relations normally involve the close communication and interaction between employees and managers or employer. In such a situation, if a problem arises, an employee can report to the manager or employer and ask for the resolution of the issue. The manager should respond t o the issue. At this stage, the possible conflict may be resolved even without its expansion and involvement of more professionals.Another way to tackle issues that arise in the course of employment relations is the involvement of the board, which ahs to make a decision on the particular employment issue, if an employee and a manager cannot come to agreement. In such a situation, the board has to evaluate the dispute and take the decision to resolve the issue.In addition, there is the option, when an employee can file a lawsuit against the organisation, if the employee believes his/her rights have been violated by the organisation. In such a case, the conflicting party can settle the case before the trial, when the employer offers a plausible solution which the employee accepts (Hill, 2006). If parties come to agreement before the case, the settlement accomplishes and resolves the employment issue. If the parties cannot come to agreement and refuse to settle the case, it is the cour t that takes decision to resolve the issue on the ground of existing legal norms.Moreover, there is another option to resolve employment issue. This option involves the collective action. For instance, a union of health care professionals can launch the industrial action against the employer, if employees consider their rights being violated by the employer. In such a case, unions can set their requirements and the employer has the option of either accept or reject their requirements or change policies to settle the case with unions. Alternatively, unions can file the lawsuit or start a strike to protect their rights and interests.Task 4Limits of my work have a considerable impact on work of other professionals in my work place. In fact, I can perform my functions only within those duties and role which I have to perform. In such a situation, I have certain limitations but they are reasonable because I am not qualified in social care for example. Therefore, if I overcome existing li mitations and interfere into the work of social workers, I would deteriorate the organisational performance because social workers are more qualified on social care than I do. In such a context, the limits of my work are essential. On the other hand, the limits of my work impose boundaries which I cannot overcome, even if I want to or have to. For example, I worked with a client, who definitely needed social care services but I lacked social care skills to provide him with required social care. At the same time, I was not qualified to send him to social workers to receive the social care services which he apparently required. In this regard, I could only recommend him referring to social workers to look for their assistance and to resolve his problems.At the same time, I did my best to eliminate barriers between me and my colleagues. I tried to become a part of the team. I used my communication skills successfully to establish positive interpersonal relationships with my colleagues. As a result, I have managed to develop friendly relationships with many of my colleagues and we worked effectively together. My colleagues often shared their experience with me to help me to tackle problems and difficulties that I encountered in the course of my work. Such cooperation with my colleagues was very helpful for me, while the team spirit was very strong since we have managed to work together successfully and performed well as a team, although our qualification and experienced differed substantially.I believe my contribution in our team work was also important because I focused on the enhancement of the effective partnership and cooperation with my colleagues. I understood clearly my role and duties and performed them well. I also tried to help my colleagues but I did not interfere in their work, unless it was a part of my duties and matched my role.My experience has contributed to my professional development. While working in a team, I have learned how important it is t o focus on specific functions and not to interfere into the work of other people, if it is not a part of your duties. Each team member should be fully responsible for his/her own part of the team work and assist other team members, only if they ask about it.On the other hand, I believe that I could perform better, if I had better developed organisational skills. In fact, I am fully aware of the fact that my poor organisational skills made some of my team mates irritated and in several instances they had to do my job because I just had not enough time to do all the job I planned. In fact, I could improve my performance and team work, if I had better developed organisational skills.In such a situation, I could suggest some recommendations concerning my further professional and personal development. First, I would focus on the development of my organisational skills which are really essential in the health and social care environment (Pinkerton, 2000). Second, I would keep using the fu ll potential of my communication skills because they help to maintain positive interpersonal relations with my colleagues and clients. In addition, I would also recommend to develop closer interaction with professionals working in different fields. What is meant here is the fact that I would focus on the closer collaboration with social workers, because I lack competence in the field of social care so far. Hence, I can improve my performance and increase its effectiveness through closer interaction and collaboration with professionals working in different fields.
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192%
The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% What if I told you that 77% of you will get 192% more traffic from your social media posting schedule when you follow the step-by-step, actionable advice from this post? I bet youd be amped. But wait- theres more! 40% of you will get 268% more traffic. 37% of you will get a whopping 483% more traffic. Heres proof of how this posting formula works: And that example is the success youll get if you apply this social media posting schedule only to Twitter for one week. The truth is you can get more traffic from every social network with the process youll learn when you read this post. You see, 77% of you share your content on social media only 1–3 times. Another 40% of you only share your content on social media just two or three times. And 37% of you share your content on social media just once after you publish it. Only once! This is not rocket science. Rather, its a very simple formula youll apply to your existing social media posting schedule to share your blog posts in a matter of minutes. The process will help you grow your traffic, make the time you invest into writing blog posts totally worth it, and actually help you save time while getting organized. Here it is: Enticing social media messages + a game plan for promoting new posts + best daily social sharing frequency + sharing your best content again = A lot more traffic from social media! The more compelling social messages you send for your content, the more traffic youll get. Yeah, its that simple. This Is The #SocialMedia Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% Watch, Read, And Learn How To Plan The Perfect Social Media Schedule ... Sometimes it's easier to learn by watching rather than reading. That's why we've recorded a live webinar on this very topic. Watch the full video below:Watch how to rock a social media posting schedule to double your traffic!... Then Recharge Your Social Schedule With ReQueue You know is an effective marketing calendar for scheduling social media posts (alongside everything else). And it's even better with ReQueue, the industry's most intelligent social media automation tool, built into . Here's what makes it different: Set it and forget it (with confidence): Reschedule your best-performing posts on autopilot. ReQueue will handle the rest. Get more mileage from your messages: Instead of sharing a great post once, share it multiple times to get bigger results with less effort. It puts YOU in control: A new feature called Placeholder Groups makes it easy to create custom sharing schedules for specific groups of posts. Customize them by day or time, and get more granular control over how you automate your sending frequency. Get all the details here. Then, when you're ready, start a free 14-day trial or schedule a demo with an expert. Ready to dig deeper? Keep reading. In this post, you'll learn the traffic-driving formula that'll work amazingly well every time you use it with your social templates in . Rest assured though, you can rock the information from this post however you schedule your social media- whether it's in or not. Here we go. Step 1: Write Compelling Social Media Messages That Get Clickthroughs Your social media messages are invitations to attend the party happening on your blog. No one wants to hit up a lame party, just like no one wants to click through on an unappealing social message. Social messages are invitations to the party on your blog. Make sure it doesn't sound lame. #SMMThink of each message as a call to action: Sell your followers on the value they'll get if they just click through to read your blog post. Or make them question a current belief with the promise of a better solution to a problem. Or make them feel like they're missing out on something amazing. You'll learn how to write social messages that'll have the potential to draw 31.8% more clickthroughs than typical messages. That's just from the message itself! Here's exactly how you're going to capture that traffic in your social media posting schedule: Write 25–30 Headlines For Every Blog Post You Write, Then Use The Inspiration For Social Shares This is a practice Upworthy is especially well-known for using with every blog post they publish. They've found the more headlines they write, the later ones get better and better than their first. Where Upworthy stops at 25 headlines, there's a reason to write 30 blog titles as a content marketer: How to, question, and list posts tend to get the most social shares. And hey, more social shares means more clickthroughs when you optimize those headlines. How to, question, and list posts tend to get the most social shares. #socialmedia #bloggingSo write 10 headlines for each of the most-shared headline styles, then choose the top one from each category to use in A/B/C tests with your social messages. Sound hard to get started? I wouldn't give you advice without helping you put it into practice. Here are 10 templates of each headline type to get you started with your next blog post right now (just copy, paste, and tweak): How To How To Start _____ That Will Help You _____ How To Improve _____ So You'll Feel Like A _____ How To Grow _____ To Be A Successful _____ How To Increase _____ When You _____ How To Boost _____ With A _____ How To _____ For The _____ How To Make A _____ In A _____ How To Create The Best _____ In The World How To Run A Successful _____ To _____ How To Do Outstanding _____ On A ______ Question When Is The Best Time To _____? How Do You _____ When You _____? Will _____ Help You _____? Why Is _____ Better Than _____? What Can _____ Teach You About _____? Where Is The Best _____ To _____? How Can You _____ To _____? How Will _____ Make Your _____ More Successful? Is _____? Insider Advice to _____ What Really Is The Best _____? List 43 _____ From _____ Of The Most Popular _____ 20 Ways To Be _____ When You Don't Feel _____ 25 _____ That Will Amplify Your _____ The 6 Types Of _____ That Will Give You _____ 11 _____ That Will Make You _____ 23 Ways To Get Even More From _____ To _____ 10 Rules For _____ Your ______ Will Love The Easy 5-Step Process To _____ In Just 30 Days The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution For The Best _____ 21+ Easy Ways To _____ That Will Skyrocket By _____ In 1 Year From here, you can run your headlines through the headline analyzer to choose the best ones for your social media posting schedule. Here's a social media hack you can use from this process to increase your clickthroughs: Share your best headline to your Twitter account right when your blog post publishes. Share the best runner-up headline to the same Twitter account an hour later. Look at your Twitter Analytics to see which message received more clickthroughs. Change the headline of the blog post to the one that gets more traffic, and use that winning headline more often in your subsequent social media posting schedule. You'll learn how to schedule your A/B test here in a couple steps. For now, let's continue learning how to write compelling social messages that get clickthroughs. Ask Questions That Arouse Curiosity There's a lot of hoopla that asking open-ended questions helps continue a conversation. While that's definitely true, those questions actually hurt your clickthrough rate when you use them in your social media posting schedule. Let me explain. I analyzed a bunch of social messages that looked like this (open-ended questions): Then I compared the amount of clickthroughs of those social messages to ones like this (close-ended questions): The result? Close-ended questions get more clickthroughs than open-ended questions. In fact, on average, close-ended questions get 255% more clickthroughs than open-ended questions. Craziness. You may ask the open-ended question, "Why would close-ended questions get more clickthroughs?" (See what I did there?) The answer involves a very simple psychological idea: People fear missing out on something. Linda Sapadin, Ph.D takes to the World of Psychology blog to explain: Missing out? But on what? On what other people are doing. They’re having exciting experiences that you’re not. Close-ended questions suggest that if you say "Yes" or "No" in your head, improvement is just a click away to experience the better results others are already rocking. Want to be a marketing pro? Heck yes, you do. So why not click through to find out how? Want to be a marketing pro? Use #Nikes secret #marketing strategy tips. #blogging (@) January 13, 2016 Give Advice That Kinda Takes People Off Guard Imagine you're driving down the highway and you see a cow. There's nothing noteworthy about it, just black and white in a field. Now, imagine you see a purple cow. That's pretty remarkable and could cause you to stop to take a look at this super interesting animal that stands out from the crowd. You've probably heard that idea before from Seth Godin in a TED Talk like this: The thing is, sharing remarkable social media messages in a sea of me-too shares will make your content stand out like a purple cow in a herd of black and white. And, according to our research on social media posting schedules, it's the social messages that stand out- that are different than the rest- that get the most clickthroughs. Here are a few different types of social messages you could write to take your audience off guard: You Know Nothing, Jon Snow It's tough to hear that something you thought you knew was wrong. And, it turns out, turning the tables on something that is generally accepted as true can increase the amount of clickthroughs you receive from your social messages. What you know about writing #SocialMedia messages is wrong. Here's what you can do about it.So what can you do to write messages that appeal to that feeling? It's called controversy, and you can write these types of social messages based on anecdotal information in your blog posts. Well, that might sound kinda scary, but it's not. Let me explain: 1. Controversial content doesn't necessarily offend people. And in fact, if you want to get clickthroughs from your social messages, being offensive isn't what you're shooting for. You're looking to connect to the three Bs, as Gregory Ciotti explains: Behavior, belonging, and beliefs. So, if you create division within someone’s behavior, beliefs, or feeling of belonging, they will seek to either confirm your stance or disprove your stance, but either one is good for you because it creates buzz. Confirming or disproving? That needs a click-through to learn more. Controversial content doesn't necessarily offend people. #blogging #controversy2. Anecdotal information is the stuff that's based a lot on personal experience that's not necessarily true. You can find anecdotal inspiration in your own blog posts to write better social messages: Did you find data that disproves a commonly accepted norm in your industry? Share the data in a social message to catch attention. Does your post cover an opinion that differs from lots of others in your niche? Share your thoughts in a social message. For example, Sujan Deswal wrote a blog post that mentioned it's OK to build upon the great ideas others have already come up with. So he built upon Austin Kleon's idea that nothing is original, which definitely ties into beliefs that people would like to either confirm or disprove. Sharing that anecdote in social messages influenced tons of social shares and click-throughs. Nothing is original. Now its time to publish better #content than anyone else. (@) October 3, 2015 Humor According to research from the New York Times' Customer Insight Group, 49% of people share content when it's entertaining. Indeed, our own tests have verified that humor increases social shares and click-throughs. So, how can you include humor in your social messages? Julie has some advice: Write a series of three, then break the pattern. Ever since you've been little, you've been conditioned to like series of threes: Goldie Locks And The Three Bears; Three Blind Mice; Three Little Pigs And The Big Bad Wolf; Father, Son, And Holy Spirit- the list goes on and on. The thing is, you expect a series of three to logically connect a pattern; but when the pattern is disconnected, it's funny. Example: How to increase your traffic by 192% by writing better messages, sharing more frequently, and bribing your co-workers with free pizza. Use cacophony. Yes, that's a real word you're probably laughing at right now. Cacophony is the words that sound funny because of harsh sounds that letters like K, G, D, B, P, and T make. Think of words like cucumber, cupcake, car keys, hippopotamus and the like. When you combine cacophony with alliteration, you can wreak havoc on the funny bone, as Julie says. Whip out Evernote and create a word bank for the cacophonous words in your industry to use in your future social shares. Make your own comics. Julie suggests creating comics by drawing them yourself (if you're awesome enough to have at least some degree of drawing ability). You could also use ToonDoo, MakeBeliefsComix, or tools from this article by Mashable to make your own comics. Use GIFs. GIFs are funny. And, they definitely drive traffic as we found from a recent case study at . Social messages with GIFs get 22% more engagement than messages with images. And GIF messages get 167% more clickthroughs than messages with just images. Wowza. Are you using #humor in your social posts like you should be? #blogging #socialmediaFor example, if I wanted to complement this post with a GIF in a social message, I would use a GIF website like Giphy or Popkey to find something silly that relates to the actual message I'd like to share. Maybe like this: And then I'd complement it with a social message like this: Are you getting 167% more clickthroughs by using #gifs in your social messages?You get the idea. What's In It For Me? Ah, the classic question your readers ask themselves to justify how worthy your content is of their time. Show the benefits your social followers will experience if they simply click through to read your content. These are some of the oldie-but-goodie types of messages: Quote Chances are, you did a lot of research before you started writing your blog post that you're promoting with your social media posting schedule. So pull a quote from an influencer you referenced, and use it as inspiration for a social media message. Complement the quote with the reason why your followers should click through to read your content. I guess that's also known as a call to action. Peter Drucker said, What gets measured gets managed. Heres how to do it. #marketing (@) November 5, 2015 It's easy: Copy the quote from your article and include who gave the quote (@ing them on the social networks works well for this). Then write something like, "Learn how to do it yourself now!" and link back to your blog post. Benefits Think about the unique value proposition behind your post- the problem you're solving for your readers through the gift of your content. Remember, your social media followers are selfish (not in a bad way). They just care about themselves a lot more than anyone else, and they click through to read content because of an emotional need to improve themselves. That process will help you write social messages that will connect with your audience's emotional reasoning to click through to read your content. If you look at that example, you gals and guys don't care as much about perfecting your social media posting schedule- you actually care about the outcome behind getting that process in order: More traffic, time savings, and getting organized would all make for perfect social messages that would complement this post. Snippet This one's pretty simple: Grab a cool sentence from your post and share it as a social message. Good #writers have to be able to analyze their own ideas and the ideas of others. (@) January 12, 2016 If you use the plugin, you're already used to looking for shareable soundbites from your blog posts to embed as visuals right inline in the context of your content: Want to write better #SM messages? Include emotion and controversy, and ask close-ended questions.Use those as inspiration for your own social media posting schedule, too. Oh, and if you aren't using the plugin, it's free. It helps you get more social shares for your hard work. And you should use it. Get it for your WordPress blog right now. How To Write Better Messages With Social Templates In This is probably one of the coolest social media features you've seen in a long time, so hear me out. You just learned that these types of social messages get the most traffic back to your content: Write emotional headlines with one version for list, how-to, and question to share a few alternate versions and diversify your social media posting schedule. Ask close-ended questions that inspire curiosity. Write controversial messages that take a stance on behavior, beliefs, or feeling of belonging to make your followers feel they have to click to confirm or disprove their stance. Use humor with the series of three pattern and GIFs. Quote an influencer and lead your followers to a call to action to read your post. Appeal to the benefits or value proposition behind the click. Share a helpful, informational, or practical snippet from your post. Let's say you want to share these seven types of messages in your social media posting schedule for every blog post you publish. Because, ya know, these are proven to drive traffic back to your blog. You can now write your messages with social helpers in to easily reuse your messages multiple times: Let me reiterate: Now you can write a batch of social messages once. Then you can reuse those messages multiple times throughout a social media posting schedule of days, weeks, or even months after publishing your blog posts. And all of that without copying and pasting, without logging in and out of multiple networks, and without being available to schedule to your networks at all hours of the day. Pretty cool, right? So this is your next question: How should I add these super awesome messages into my posting schedule? Here ya go: Step 2: Follow A Proven Social Media Posting Schedule Template For Every New Blog Post A majority of you- 67% to be exact- spend at least 2–4 hours writing a blog post. Then you spend 30 minutes crafting your social messages. And after all that hard work, 77% of you only share your blog posts 1–3 times on social media. What's going on there? Why all the effort and barely any promotion? The good news is that by this point, you've written at least nine distinctively valuable social messages you can use to share your blog post more than one to three times without annoying your social media followers. Here's how to add those messages into your posting schedule: Know The Best Times To Share It just makes sense to schedule your social messages at the times when you typically get the most traffic from social media. So as you start developing your posting schedule template, use this Google Analytics custom report to find when your own audience is most active on your social networks. When you first use the report, you'll see a landing page with a list of your networks. These are sorted according to your highest-trafficked social networks according to page views. Click through to any of your social networks in that list to find the specific time when you get that traffic. This data shows in military time with 0 being midnight and 23 as 11 p.m. You can use this information to plan a data-driven posting schedule using the template in this post: For each social network, use the Google Analytics custom report to find the best times when your own audience clicks through to read your content. Add the number of page views into your spreadsheet according to hour for each of your networks. An easy way to get the information out of Google Analytics is by using the Export functionality. After that, you can Sort your data by hour and copy and paste it into your social media posting schedule template spreadsheet available in the kit that complements this post. Analyze when you get the most traffic for each network to help you share content at the absolute best times to get more traffic. Note: You can completely skip this step when you use . The data behind the best times to post on every social network is built right into your social media scheduling tool via the all-new best time scheduling feature. Yep. There's an easy button. Map Your Messages To The Social Media Posting Schedule Template By this point, you know you'll write at least nine different types of social messages for every blog post you publish. And you know the best times to post those messages to get more traffic. Now it's time to set up your posting schedule to promote your content for an entire month after it publishes. Use your own data to plan a posting schedule that looks something like this: There are a couple things to keep in mind when you get started: You can see how when you use multiple messages, you're able to share the same piece of content more often. Use this mapping exercise to help you make sure every network gets lots of message variation. You can share to some networks more than others. This is partially due to the concept that you can share more often daily to certain social networks like Pinterest and Twitter as compared to Facebook and LinkedIn. So now that you've set up a social media posting schedule for your brand new blog posts, it's time to explore peak social sharing frequency to help you add in more social messages for your older evergreen content. This will help you share your content more often to get more traffic, but all within the generally acceptable standards for each network. How To Share A New Blog Post For An Entire Month Without Annoying Your Followers #SMMStep 3: Know How Often To Post On Social Media Every Day This is actually one of the most popular user questions we hear: How often to post on social media per day for each social account? As with a lot of topics surrounding your social media posting schedule, there is a bunch of data to sift through to truly find the perfect amount: How Often To Post On Social Media According To Buffer Buffer came up with a fantastic set of guidelines, based on research and collecting data from others, on how often to post to specific social accounts. Schedule 3 tweets a day: Using data provided by Social Bakers, Buffer suggests that your engagement will drop a bit after your third tweet. However, you can see there is some extreme leeway in those numbers, with other data suggesting you could post up to 30 times a day and still have a positive impact on engagement. Schedule 2 Facebook posts a day: After about two Facebook posts each day, your likes and comments start to drop off a bit. This rounds out your weekly tally to about 10 a week, which is a sweet spot. Remember that uniqueness matters; you can share the same piece of content, but consider the copy and imagery that goes with it. You don’t want to be sharing the same exact thing constantly, unless you’re doing so because you're focusing on hitting different time zones with your content. Hubspot’s recent research into Facebook echoes this idea that flooding Facebook with posts is less successful; you’re better off creating truly unique and amazing social posts than getting wrapped up in quantity. Good thing you just learned how to do that. ;) Schedule 1 LinkedIn post a day: Using LinkedIn’s own guide- which suggests sharing 20 times a month will reach 60% of your audience- Buffer broke it down into sharing a single post a day on the network. With such singular focus, make that post count. Spend some significant time on the copy and imagery since you'll have fewer posts on your total LinkedIn profile with this recipe. Schedule 3 Google+ posts: Averaging out two separate data sources, Buffer suggests posting no more than three times each day to the Google+ network. Of course, they also noted that regular Google+ users noticed significant traffic drops (50% or more) when posting dwindled, so look at the three-post suggestion as a guide for typical users. Heavier users of Google+ may want to consider a higher amount. Share 5 Pins a day: Buffer discovered that brands were finding some serious success with Pinterest with a fairly heavy amount of posting (between three to ten posts per day). Five posts a day is a lot, particularly if you don’t have a lot of content to work with just yet. But definitely no less than three posts a day if possible. Share 1.5 times to Instagram: How do you post half a post? It’s like reading demographics about 1.2 people- seems messy. Again, this is a composite amount Buffer has come up with based on available data. If you can make your posts unique, high quality, and valuable, you can get away with posting as much as you want without penalty. But you should at least post 1.5 (OK, two) times a day on Instagram. How Often Should You Post To #SocialMedia?How Often To Post On Social Media According To Constant Contact Email newsletter provider Constant Contact also did some research and came up with their own recipe for daily social sharing. It’s not identical to Buffer’s approach, but you may spot some similarities. This recipe is calculated on a weekly basis instead of daily. Schedule 35 tweets a week: Constant Contact describes Twitter as a â€Å"high volume low-value network†meaning you can post a lot, and have to, because the firehose is always on. They suggest a minimum of five posts a day, which comes out to 35 posts a week (I counted weekends and used a seven-day week, since Twitter is active outside the work week, too). There is no maximum in this recipe. Schedule 3 Facebook posts a week: Constant Contact describes Facebook as a â€Å"low volume high-value network†meaning that posting too much is a bad idea. They suggest a minimum of three times a week, and a maximum of ten times a week. Quality social posts is the key here. Schedule 2 LinkedIn posts a week: Similar to the volume/value of Facebook, this recipe calls for a minimum of two posts a week, with a maximum of five times a week. Most LinkedIn users are professionals, so maximize the work week when you schedule. Schedule 3 Google+ posts a week: Similar to Facebook, in terms of how the network operates, Constant Contact recommends a similar approach. Post a minimum of three times a week, and no more than 10 a week. Share 35 Pins a week: Constant Contact calls Pinterest a â€Å"high volume high value†network. Post lots and get lots. They suggest a minimum of five times a day (35 times a week, including weekends) and a maximum of ten times a day (70 times a week). These recipes may or may not be to your liking based on how well your followers engage with it combined with how well you can keep up these frequencies and still create great social posts. There is no gold standard. To top it off, Hubspot did some interesting research looking at social posts based on industry, and found out that not every industry (i.e. type of audience) was looking for the same thing. Some industries required fairly high posting frequencies (e.g. marketing) while others were less so (e.g. business and financial services). So What Really Is The Best Number For How Often To Post To Social Media For Every Network? We took a look at tons of different research from lots of different sources on how often to post on social media, and guess what? Their advice varied, and sometimes very significantly: DowSocial Nulou Localvox Buffer Quick Sprout HubSpot Mari Smith Michelle MacPhearson Ahalogy Constant Contact But. We punched the numbers on all of their suggestions- minimum and maximum social media posting frequencies- to come up with solid numbers you can start with, then test your own results to adapt for your audience. This formula is based purely on data from experts and may serve well as a starting point for building your audience on the specific networks: Twitter: 15 tweets per day Facebook: 1 post per day, 2 posts per day if your audience is more than 10,000 friends LinkedIn: 4 posts a week, nearly 1 every weekday Google+: 2 posts every weekday Pinterest: 9 Pins every day Note: Some sources said there was no daily maximum posting frequency for Twitter. I called shenanigans on that (because what if someone posted 300 or heck, 1,000 times a day?!) and set the maximum to 51 Tweets per day, a posting frequency we've seen Jeff Bullas use to share his content on Twitter (which doesn't include replies). Now, you've learned a lot. The big takeaway is this: You can fill up your posting schedule- and share the optimal amount of messages every day- by sharing your older content. Step 4: Set Up A New Social Media Posting Schedule For Your Most Successful Older Blog Posts You can get more traffic from your posting schedule by sharing a few more messages every day. Even though you've added lots of variety to the messages you write, it's also helpful to share a wide range of content that will make your networks' news feeds look diverse, too. Plan To Share Your Best-Performing Recent Content Social shares are like upvotes for your content- they help you understand which blog posts your audience finds so helpful, entertaining, or interesting that they want to share them with their own followers. You can use that information to help you decide which blog posts to continue sharing after your initial posting schedule for new content runs out of messages. Here's a simple data-driven process to help you know which blog posts to share again: Look at your last two month's worth of blog posts. Collect the shares information from your social media editorial calendar using Social Analytics:From there, find the average shares a typical post gets by using this simple formula: sum of all blog post shares à · number of blog posts in your sample = average number of shares per blog post. Now, when a blog post runs through its original social media posting schedule, simply look at the number of shares it received. If it got more than your average blog post, schedule more social shares for that blog post. For example, if I used the formula and found that an average post gets 250 social shares, then I'd reshare content that got more than the average of 250 shares. This is an example of a good posting schedule you could follow with your own older content: This is the same process the team at uses to strategically choose which content our audience (that would be you) likes the most so we continue to share only the best stuff that you find extremely valuable. You can do it, too, and you'll see growth in followers and more traffic to your blog content. Share Even Older Stuff That's Still Awesome Still, you might have other evergreen blog posts that just keep bringing in the traffic when you share them. Share those again to fill up your daily maximum social sharing frequency. Here's how to find the content your followers would love to see again: Look at your most-shared blog posts using the top posts feature in . From there, you can easily see which content of yours is most popular and quickly schedule a new posting schedule for these blog posts. You can also look at your Google Analytics to see which posts are getting the most page views and sessions. From there, you know which blog posts are naturally bringing in traffic back to your blog, so it just makes sense to share those posts again with a new posting schedule. To make this process really efficient, block off time on your to-do list to find multiple old blog posts to schedule your shares at once. That doesn't mean you'll share all of the messages right now or at the exact same time. Rather, it means that you'll dedicate time once to schedule several days worth of social shares so you can set it and forget it. To do that, you might want a few posting schedules to help you share your older blog posts so the shares stagger well: The good news is that you can set up as many social templates in  as you need to follow all of this advice: One for brand new posts One for re-sharing your recently published posts As many as you'd like for sharing older blog posts You can get started now with your 14-day free trial of  to schedule better social messages than ever. Keep Your Social Media Schedule Full With ReQueue We've gone through a lot of information in this post so far. Congrats on making it this far. As a reward for your perseverance, we're going to let you in on a feature in that can make scheduling social media posts a whole lot easier. It's called ReQueue, and it makes it easy to automatically reshare evergreen content at the best times with just a few clicks. This video explains how it works:Recommended Reading: ReQueue: The Most Intelligent Way to Automate Your Social Media Now You Know How To Plan Your Social Media Posting Schedule To Grow Your Traffic Let's review what you just learned to help you share to social media better than ever: Write unique social messages that stand out in busy news feeds. Test different headlines, ask questions, spark controversy, include humor, use a quote, appeal to the benefits, and share a snippet. Create a social template for every new blog post you publish. Use the Google Analytics custom report to find your best times, then map your social messages to a whole month of social shares. Know how often to post on social media to get the most traffic without turning off your followers. Schedule 15 tweets a day, one Facebook post a day (two if you have more than 10,000 friends), four LinkedIn posts per week, two Google+ posts every weekday, and nine Pins a day. Schedule messages for your older content with a few different social templates. Stagger the times and days to share helpful content consistently while avoiding bombarding any network with too many messages. You've got this! When you're ready to push the easy button, try out the new social templates feature in to put all of your work to great use super easily.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Government Business Relation GBR Research Paper
Government Business Relation GBR - Research Paper Example The campaign seeks to improve safety in the transport sector by pushing for the ban on the use of mobile phones in motor vehicles. Since the development and incorporation of mobile phone technology, there has been increased occurrence of accidents as a result of drivers using mobile phones when driving (TWU, 2011). Banning the Use of Mobile Phones in Motor Vehicles The submission seeks to address the need to ban the use of mobile phones in motor vehicles, a phenomenon that has led to the rise of accident rates from driver distraction and divided attention. (Zamgba, 2001) Reports indicate that there has been a rise in the number of drivers brought to courts with regards to the use of phones when driving motor vehicles on public roads Recently, the use of phones in motor vehicle has increased significantly with increased driving offences resulting in significant rise in casualty risks irrespective of whether the phones being used are hand-held or hands-free. Drivers who make calls, tex t or even touch mobile phones are proved to have slow reactions and low concentration, thus increasing the risk of accident. US Research has indicates distraction from the use of hands free mobile phones in motor vehicles are more or less the same as distraction caused by handheld mobile phones when driving (Zamgba, 2001, P6). Key Arguments Recently, a number of countries such as Australia and New Zealand have introduced laws that ban the use of handheld mobile phones in motor vehicles. However, passengers and public transport users are still facing the risk of drivers failing to have proper control in driving motor vehicles when using hands-free mobile phones (Maslen, 2008, pg 13). The distraction and divided attention resulting from drivers who use mobile phones when driving causes as much risks as those that result from speeding and drunken drivers (Maslen, 2008, pg 46). However, according to Zamgba (2001, P6), there is need for existence of exceptions in the ban on the use of mo bile phones in motor vehicles with respect to critical issues such as medical emergencies or need to report disabled vehicles. In addition, these are issues of concern in the ban particularly with the introduction of new generation phones where drivers are reported to use applications such as e-mails and even accessing the internet, which is extremely distractive to concentration (Zamgba, 2001). According to International Debate Education Association and Trapp (2009, p. 45), Arguments against a ban on the use of mobile phones as being inapplicable became baseless after the technological improvement in photography where drivers using mobile phones while driving can be automatically detected and apprehended by law enforcers. The photography detection will be effective in enforcing the ban on the use of mobile phones in motor vehicle through evidence. However, other irrelevant criticism against the ban, include the use of phones is vital for economic purposes, appointments and general communications needs given the fact that everyone could cope without phones some few years ago before introduction
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Negotiation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Negotiation - Assignment Example The two-day long correspondence with the client leads to us negotiating with a price that did not amount to my work but was not in their favor as well. I ended up withholding the rest of the series I had been working on for them and they paid me half price on a project that I had worked a lot on but the positive point is that I knew my walk away terms. It was established that poor communication was what lead to the break of the deal and a case was not filed from either of the party which I think is an achievement. I could have conducted the negotiating terms better if there had been a better communication system involved with information sharing from the start that would have helped in benefiting both parties. Another tactic that I could have applied in the negotiating terms is priorities because I left a pile of unfinished projects in lieu of this certain project and had to put double the time in other projects, so one important thing I learned from this failed project was to always get my priorities right and to give maximum time to things but do not forget that there are other tasks that need to be done as well.The two-day long correspondence with the client leads to us negotiating with a price that did not amount to my work but was not in their favor as well. I ended up withholding the rest of the series I had been working on for them and they paid me half price on a project that I had worked a lot on. It was established that poor communication was what lead to the break of the deal.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bibles Noahs Ark
Comparing and Contrasting Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Ark Many cultures have stories of a great flood, and probably the best known story is of Noah's Ark. The next most notable is the Sumerian story of Ut-Napishtim found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. In the ancient Babylonian depiction of the flood story, the god Enlil creates a flood to destroy a noisy mankind that is disturbing his sleep. Gilgamesh is told by another god, Ea, to build an ark (Monack 1). The Epic of Gilgamesh has broadly the same structure and plot as Noah's Ark, suggesting the possibility that the Biblical account has drawn influence from the archaeologically older Sumerian depiction. University professor Alexander Heidel concludes that these accounts are undeniably related (Fowler 1). According to theological considerations, the Epic and the Biblical versions can be contrasted as well. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods are depicted as lacking any moral or ethical purpose in their pronouncement of judgment (Fowler 2). In contrast, the Biblical record describes only one God who is just and moral. The archite...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Village Election and Corruption
Village election and Corruption in China Background (problem): In China,the election system refers to the election of deputies to the people’s congresses at various levels, which includes general local election and the election of deputies from the armed forces, in the special administrative regions. There are two kinds of election: direct election and indirect election. 1. Direct election means voters directly elect deputies to the people’s congresses by casting their votes.Direct elections are applicable to the election of deputies to the people’s congresses of the counties, districts, townships and towns, which China's authoritarian(the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)) regime has allowed, encouraged, and required to be held at the village level,but not at higher levels. 2. Indirect election means deputies to the people’s congresses at the next higher level are elected by deputies to the people’s congresses at the next lower level. Indirect elections are applicable to the election of deputies to people’s congresses above the county level and deputies among the armed forces at the same level and deputies to the NPC(National People's Congress) elected from special administrative regions. In this essay, I will focus on the direct election(village election). Since the problem of corruption in the village election is very common in China,such as buying-votes, treating to dinner to persuade by promising private goods and so on. Mainly comes from the following aspects: 1. In a small electorate, campaigning is not an effective strategy to win an election.In contrast, vote buyingâ€â€corruptionâ€â€can easily be an effective means to win an election with a small electorate. A Chinese village is small enough a community for each villager to know all the other villagers in person as they interact with each other on a daily basis and voters may already know whether the candidate has the intention and ability to provide public goods, which could become the condition of perfect information, in other words,in a village election, voters and candidates know each other personally, and voters may easily acquire personal information about the candidates.Therefore, because under the conditions of perfect information, it is not costly for a candidate to seek office by treating a subset of the electorate to dinner or to give private goods to voters. On the other hand, it is relatively costly to attempt to sway voters by stating policy proposals that promise the provision of public goods for the whole electorate. 2.In China village elections, officials in the position of monitoring village elections do not have a strong incentive to regulate the elections because implementation of fair village elections is not considered an important criterion for the evaluation of local officials by higher authorities (Edin 2003; O‘Brien and Li 1999; but Kennedy 2007). 3. the cost of punishment for the corru pt act of buying votes is low in the case of China‘s village elections.Even with formal rules stipulating severe punishment, if people do not believe that cases of corruption are revealed and formal rules are enforced, the punishment will not be considered a cost of the illegal act and will not deter it (Tsebelis 1989). Therefore, it is not puzzling that candidates compete to buy votes by providing private goods in campaigns for Chinese village elections. Model setting: The model describes the electoral competition between two candidates as a noncooperative simultaneous-move game.In the model, two candidates compete to win an election,and at equilibriums, electoral competition would increase the probability of vote buying in electorate. In other words, electoral competition gives strong incentives for candidates to buy votes, but not to form an organization for mobilizing votes in a electorate. 1. The Candidates’ Choice of Strategies and Payoffs Assume: 1. If both candi dates adopt the same strategy, Candidate 1 will have a chance to win the election with the probability of p and Candidate 2 will have a chance to win the election with the probability of 1 – p (0 < p < 1).And we let 0 < p ? 0. 5,which means the candidate 1 is weaker. 2. if one candidate buys votes while the other candidate does not,the candidate that has bought votes will win. Utility: The utility of the candidate gaining from winning the election is denoted U (U > 0). Strategies: Each candidate has two strategies: buying votes (BV) and not buying votes (NBV). Cost of buying votes (C): the multiplication of the cost to buy one vote (? ) and the number of votes needed to buy (V). C= ?V suppose that C1>C2 (the cost of buying votes to win is higher as the candidate is weaker. ) Competitiveness:we can define the competitiveness of an election as the difficulty with which one can predict who will win, the election whose value of p is closer to 0. 5 will be considere d more competitive. candidate2 Buying votes candidate1 Buying votes Not buying votes (pU-C1), (1-p)U-C2 0, U-C2 Not buying votes U-C1, pU, 0 (1-p)U The matrix in shows the incentives affecting candidates in a village election. . Solution of the model Since assume that 0 < p? 0. 5 and assume without loss of generality that Candidate 1 is weaker. Candidates 1 and 2 must choose their strategies simultaneously. Thus, neither candidate is certain about which strategy the other candidate will take. (BV, BV) will be equilibrium if: U? C1/p (NBV, BV) will be equilibrium if: C1/p? U? C2/p (NBV, NBV) will be equilibrium if: U? C1/p (BV, NBV) can not be equilibrium, since we can not find any U that satisfies U? C1/(1-p) and U?C2/(1-p) as well. Because C1/(1-p)? C2/(1-p). As an election becomes more competitive(p is closer to 0. 5),the range where at least one candidate always buys votes,U? C2/p is larger. Moreover as p is larger,the range where neither candidate buy votes,U? C1/p is smaller . Overall, candidates are more likely to choose the strategy of buying votes as an election becomes more competitive. In the villages where each candidate's expected value of winning an election is high, the candidate is tempted to buy votes.Proposal: Would electoral competition prevent a corrupt candidate from being elected? From the model, we can see, candidates are more likely to choose the strategy of buying votes as an election becomes more competitive, which may generate the following new hypothesis: effective informal institutions would make it easier for villagers to reach a pre-electoral consensus, make a village election less competitive, and give candidates less incentive to promise the provision of private goods.How to reach a pre-electoral consensus? Since a Chinese village is enough small that could lead to kinship system in village. In multi-kinship villages, whether pre-electoral consensus is reached and hence an election is not corrupt would depend on the relationsh ip among kinship leaders.If the kinship leaders are in conflict, villagers would fail to reach pre-electoral consensus, an election would be competitive, vote buying would be more likely; meanwhile, if relations among kinship leaders are cooperative, the village would succeed in reaching pre-electoral consensus, an election would not be competitive, vote buying would be less likely, and public goods would be properly provided. Therefore,how to prevent a vote-buying candidate from getting elected is a major policy question for China's village elections.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Crime Ethical Issues - 4158 Words
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs 5HYLVHG WK Bureau of Justice Statistics Alcohol and Crime An Analysis of National Data on the Prevalence of Alcohol Involvement in Crime 2Q DQ DYHUDJH GD\ LQ FRUUHFWLRQV DXWKRULWLHV VXSHUYLVHG DQ HVWLPDWHG PLOOLRQ FRQYLFWHG RIIHQGHUV 1HDUO\ PLOOLRQ DERXW KDG EHHQ GULQNLQJ DOFRKRO ZKHQ WKH\ FRPPLWWHG WKHLU FRQYLFWLRQ RIIHQVH ULPLQDO MXVWLFH VWDWXV 7RWDO 3UREDWLRQ -DLO 3ULVRQ 3DUROH $OFRKRO UXJV .5 1 1.5 2 1XPEHU RI RIIHQGHUV LQ PLOOLRQV XVLQJ DOFRKRO RU GUXJV DW WKH WLPH RI WKH RIIHQVH [LL $OFRKRO DQG ULPH U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Alcohol and Crime An Analysis of National Data on†¦show more content†¦BJS has incorporated new questions into its surveys which will enable a more in-depth understanding of the alcohol use and abuse backgrounds of offenders and the nature of the treatment they receive while incarcerated. Jan M. Chaiken, Ph.D. Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics Laurie Robinson Assistant Attorney General Office of Justice Programs Alcohol and Crime iii Highlights This report provides the most comprehensive analysis of statistical data on alcohol and crime published to date by BJS. Sources of information include the BJS National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), BJS self-report surveys of correctional populations, and the periodic BJS censuses of Federal, State, and local corrections facilities. In addition, arrest data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program and the most recent data available from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting Program are used to supplement national survey data. Finally, the report includes new analyses from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), a database providing detail on more than 2.1 million fatal motor vehicle accidents that occurred over the last two decades. The study provides the firstever estimates of the level of intoxication among drinking offenders at the time of the commission of the offense for which they had been convicted. The role of alcohol in crime victimizationShow MoreRelatedEthical Considerations in the Legal Prosecution of Robbery and Murder Cases926 Words  | 4 Pagesconsider the various ethical considerations and problems that will need to be addressed in the legal prosecution of a robbery and a murder case. This will include dealing with the ethical problems involved in the investigation of the crimes as well as prosecution problems that arise when the case is presented for trial if the investigator was unethical. Finally, we will examine the ethical issues that are directly related to the prosecutor in these cases. 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